How long should I wait before purchasing a monument?
Usually, a family will try to purchase a monument within one year of the date of death. Most families start this process within one month of death. The grieving process is different for each individual, and only you know when you are emotionally ready.
What do I need to know about purchasing a monument?
Most people have never bought a monument before. Watson Signs & Monuments will have all the information you will need to know about this process.
What are monuments made of?
Monuments are usually made of granite, marble, or bronze. Granite is the most common material. It is available in many colors and is the most durable of the choices. Marble monuments are usually white in color. The surface will wear away over time due to the environment. Bronze is a brown man-made metal used most often for flat markers and statues.
What are typical monument styles?
With today's technology, a memorial artist can create a variety of monument styles, shapes, and sizes.
1. Flush markers - these are placed flush with the ground
2. Bevel markers - these are not very high above the ground, with the back of the stone being a few inches higher than the front.
3. Slant markers - these stands typically 16 or so inches above the ground with the back of the stone straight vertical, and the front sloping at about a 45-degree angle.
4. Traditional upright monument - these are typically a two-piece memorial consisting of the monument and a base that it is attached to, or a one-piece monument (called a monolith) with a portion of it buried into the ground.
Are mausoleums an option?
More and more people are choosing a mausoleum today than at any time before for remembering someone in a very special way. Mausoleums can be a building with stained glass windows and a bronze door (called a walk in a mausoleum). They can also be a smaller above-ground building that has no windows or doors (called a crypt) where the person is entombed. You will find that if you choose to explore the option of a mausoleum, you will find that they are relatively affordable in today's market.
What about personalizing a monument?
How would you like to remember the person being memorialized? Did that person have a hobby, a favorite poem, or a favorite place? Today's technology allows monuments to be shaped in any form. Techniques such as sandblasting, shaped carving, sculpture, and etching allow scenes and portraits to be placed directly on the memorial, thus enabling you to tell the story of your loved one's life. Your memorial artist is most experienced in helping you individualize your memorial.
What other products can be added to the monument?
There are many products to choose from, such as vases, candles, and photographs, to name a few.
How much does a monument cost?
The price depends upon the material and its quality, shape, size, design, lettering, and personalization of the monument. Prices will range from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars, depending upon the various styles of memorials. The memorial artists at Watson Signs & Monuments can help you choose a monument that remembers your loved one and fits your budget.